Following the entry into force of Legislative Decree 10 March 2023 no. 24, implementing EU Directive 2019/1937, SISSA Medialab has adopted the following procedures for reporting irregularities:

The privacy policy for platform users is available at the following link whistleblowing privacy policy

How to Use the Online Platform

By registering your report on this online platform, you will receive a unique identification code ("key code"), which you must use to communicate namelessly with the Responsible for transparency and the prevention of corruption, and to be constantly informed about the status of the report sent.

Please remember to carefully keep the unique identification code of the report, as, in case of loss, it cannot be recovered or duplicated in any way.

To access the online application for reports, visit

Reports sent through channels other than those indicated above, to parties not competent to receive them, will be treated as ordinary.

The report does not in any way replace reporting to the Judicial Authority, nor to other Supervisory Authorities competent for the fact subject of the communication.

The reporter is aware of the responsibilities and civil and criminal consequences prescribed in the case of false statements and/or the creation or use of false documents, as well under article 76 of legislative decree 445/2000.

The reporter is also informed of the possibility of being sanctioned in accordance with the disciplinary system of the SISSA Medialab Organization, Management and Control Model for unfounded reports made with intent or gross negligence.

The reporter is aware and accepts that the personal data referred to in this report will be processed in accordance with current regulations, exclusively for the purposes related to the report. Complete information is available at the following link: whistleblowing privacy policy



Which channel can you use?

ONLINE PLATFORM accessible via a dedicated link published at:
The report may be made either in writing or by voice recording.

What should a Report look like? What can be reported?

You have to act in good faith reporting information, according to the interests of SISSA Medialab, in a spirit of responsibility and you have to provide specific information.

What can I report according to the standard

Conduct, acts or omissions that harm to the public interest or the integrity of the public administration or the private entity and consisting of:

  • administrative, accounting, civil or criminal violations;
  • unlawful conduct relevant under Legislative Decree 231/2001, or violations of the organisation and management models provided for therein;
  • Unlawful acts that fall within the scope of European Union or national acts relating to the following areas:
    • public procurement;
    • financial services, products and markets and the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing;
    • product safety and compliance;
    • transport safety;
    • protection of the environment;
    • radiation protection and nuclear safety;
    • food and feed safety and animal health and welfare;
    • public health;
    • consumer protection;
    • Data protection and security of networks and information systems;
  • acts or omissions affecting the financial interests of the Union;
  • acts or omissions relating to the internal market;
  • acts or conduct that defeat the object or purpose of the provisions of Union acts.
What I CANNOT report
(sample list)

The following do not qualify as Whistleblowing Reports:

  • personal grievances of the reporter;
  • claims pertaining to the employment or collaboration relationship;
  • claims pertaining to relations with hierarchical superiors or colleagues.

IMPORTANT: If the reporter uses the platform to commit offences such as slander, insult or damage to a computer system, he/she will incur the consequences provided for by law.


How is the Report handled?

Reports will be received and handled by an independent company with specific trained staff, external to the SISSA Medialab organisation. The special regime of safeguards and protective measures set out in Legislative Decree No. 24/2023 of the Italian law is ensured. The Recipient will check the validity of the report so that SISSA Medialab can take the most appropriate consequential measures.

Anonymity and Confidentiality

Reports may be anonymous, but even if they are not, confidentiality is still guaranteed by the standard, the technical tool and the preparation of the managers. The privacy policy of personal data about the Whistleblowing processing is available on the website and on the platform prior to the collection of the Report information.

Please note: anonymous reports may lead to greater difficulties for SISSA Medialab to investigate.

External reports, public disclosures and reporting to Judicial Authorities

The breach may be reported to the ANAC, through the external channel activated by it, or disclosed publicly, when, alternatively:

  • an internal reporting channel has not been established or when the same, even if provided for, is not available;
  • the internal and/or external report, already made, has not been followed up;
  • the reporter has reasonable grounds to believe that, by using the internal and/or external channel, the report would not be effectively followed up;
  • the reporter has a well-founded fear of retaliations;
  • the breach may constitute imminent or obvious danger to the public interest.

The Decree also recognises the possibility for protected persons to turn to the judicial authorities, to lodge a complaint of unlawful conduct of which they have become aware in a private employment context.


Online application

Online application for reporting offences or irregularities, pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 24 of 10 March 2023 concerning "the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law and laying down provisions on the protection of persons who report breaches of national laws", so-called Whistleblowing.

By recording your report on this online platform, you will obtain a unique identification code ("key code"), which you will have to use in order to communicate with the Head of the Prevention of Corruption and Transparency in a non-personalised manner and to be constantly informed of the processing status of the report sent.

Remember to carefully keep the unique identification code of the report, since, in case of loss, it cannot be recovered or duplicated in any way.

To access the online reporting application visit

To access the information notice about the processing of personal data in the reporting of unlawful conduct see the SISSA Medialab whistleblowing privacy policy: english or italian version.